Medical Students Helping to Fight COVID Get a Holiday Gift, 2021-11-29 Mon
1. The number of Covid deaths and critically ill patients have hit fresh highs in Korea, spawning concerns about a further spread of the virus under eased restrictions.
국내 코로나19 사망자와 위중증 환자의 숫자가 최고치를 경신하면서, 방역제한이 완화된 상황에서, 코로나 추가 확산 우려를 낳고 있습니다.
Expression ]
hit fresh highs 최고 수준, 최대치를 기록했다
spawning concerns 우려를 낳고 있다
2. The new, potentially more contagious, Omicron variant of the coronavirus is threatening the world, amid fears that lockdown restrictions will persist for far longer than hoped.
기존 변이보다 잠재적으로 더 전염성이 강할 수 있다고 알려진 오미크론 변이가 전 세계를 위협하고 있습니다. 세계 각국의 봉쇄 규제도, 훨씬 더 오래 지속될 거라는 우려가 번지고 있습니다.
Expression ]
lockdown restrictions will persist for far longer than hoped.
봉쇄령, 제한 조치가 우리가 바라왔던 것보다 훨씬 길게 유지될 수도 있다는
3. An Austrian man who went to an Italian "coronavirus party" in an apparent bid to build immunity has died from the virus, according to local media reports.
코로나19 면역력을 키우기 위해 이탈리아에서 열린 이른바 '코로나 파티'에 참석한 남성이 충격을 주고 있습니다. 오스트리아 출신의 해당 남성은, 결국 코로나로 사망했다고 현지 언론이 보도했습니다.
in an apparent bid to build immunity
(코로나 19) 면역력을 키우기 위한 것이었던 것으로 이해된다
4. US President Joe Biden has expressed his hope that Japan would increase its defense spending, as the two allies deepen their ties amid China's rise.
조 바이든 미국 대통령이 기시다 후미오 일본 총리와 통화하면서, 일본이 방위비를 늘려주길 바라는 뜻을 밝혔다고 전해졌습니다. 중국의 부상에 대응해, 미일 양국 동맹 협력을 강화해나가자는 의지로 분석되고 있습니다.
Japan would increase its defense spending
일본의 방위비 증액을 기대한다는 (바람을 표현)
as the two allies deepen their ties amid China's rise
동맹인 양국이, 중국의 부상에 대응해 협력을 강화해 나가는 가운데
5. The man appointed as prime minister of Afghanistan by the Taliban, Mullah Mohammed Hassan Akhund, has called on international charities "to not withhold their aid" as the country struggles with mass starvation.
탈레반이 아프가니스탄의 총리로 지명한 물라 모하메드 하산 아크훈드가, 대량 기아로 어려움을 겪는 아프간을 위해, 국제 자선단체들에게 "원조를 보류하지 말아 달라”며 지원을 요청했습니다.
called on international charities "to not withhold their aid“
국제 사회에 지원을 끊지 않기를 호소하다
struggles with mass starvation
대량 기아, 식량부족으로 어려움을 겪고 있어
As Omicron Variant Circles the Globe, African Nations Are Blamed and Banned
Writer by Benjamin Mueller and Declan Walsh
c.2021 The New York Times Company
Nations in southern Africa protested bitterly Saturday as more of the world’s wealthiest countries cut them off from travel, renewing a debate over border closures from the earliest days of the coronavirus pandemic and compounding the problems facing poorly vaccinated countries.
protested bitterly 격렬히 항의하다
compounding the problems
백신을 제대로 맞지 못한 국가들을 어떻게 대해야 할지 문제가 복잡해 지고 있다
A new coronavirus variant called omicron, first detected in Botswana, put governments on edge after South Africa announced a surge of cases this week, plunging countries into the most uncertain moment of the pandemic since the highly contagious delta variant took hold this past spring.
put governments on edge 정부를 불안하게 하다, 초조하게 하다
took hold 확고히 자리를 잡다
on edge 불안한 분위기에 있다
took hold 장악하다
As in the early days of delta, political alarm spread quickly across the world, with officials trading blame over how the failures of the global vaccination effort were allowing the virus to mutate, even as researchers warned that the true threat of the new variant was not yet clear.
with officials trading blame
관계자들이 비난을 주고 받다, 비난을 이어나가다
political alarm
trading blame - talking about blame each other over the world
Bearing a worrying number of mutations that researchers fear could make it spread easily, omicron was spotted Saturday in Britain, Germany and Italy. One nation after another shut its doors to southern Africa.
omicron was spotted
오미크론 변이가 발견되다
spotted 점이런 뜻이 있는데 지나가서 발견하는 discover sprung up
Australia, Thailand and Sri Lanka were among the latest countries Saturday to join the United States, Britain and the European Union in banning travelers from South Africa and nearby countries.
아프리카 남부지역 8개국에서 온 외국인 금지, 내국인 10일 격리
In poorer African nations, the cascade of travel closures triggered a wave of resentment among people who believed that the continent was yet again bearing the brunt of panicked policies from Western countries, which had failed to deliver vaccines and the resources needed to administer them.
triggered a wave of resentment
분노를 크게 일으켰다, 촉발시켰다
bearing the brunt of panicked policies
‘어쩔 줄 모르는, 공황을 겪고 있는 정책’의 직격탄을 아프리카가 받아내고 있다
a wave of resentment - whole nation people's 분노가 커졌다
bear the brunt of something 정면으로 맞서다 감당하다 부담하다
“Told you so,” said Francois Venter, a researcher at University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, referring to warnings from African researchers that delaying vaccinations there risked the emergence of new variants. “It feels like these rich countries have learned absolutely nothing in terms of support.”
Some health officials said that the travel bans may buy some time to figure out how to deal with the new variant. But just as border closures a year ago did little to stop the spread of an earlier coronavirus variant from Britain, scientists said, the latest travel shutdowns had likely come too late.
Medical Students Helping to Fight COVID Get a Holiday Gift
Writer by Adeel Hassan
c.2021 The New York Times Company
For 956 students at one of the largest historically Black medical colleges, an unexpected gift of gratitude arrived in their bank accounts just in time for Thanksgiving. The students, from Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee, have been pivotal in helping their city keep coronavirus testing sites staffed for the last 19 months — and, more recently, in helping run vaccination clinics.
just in time 때맞춰
have been pivotal 핵심적인 역할을 하다
keep coronavirus testing sites staffed
코로나 검사소 운영에 일손이 부족하지 않도록 유지하는데, 인력이 원활하게 돌아가는데
pivotal - very important
That work inspired Dr. James Hildreth, Meharry’s president, to send each student $10,000 Wednesday. The money comes from the $40 billion in federal coronavirus relief funds earmarked for colleges and universities. Schools are required to spend at least half on emergency grants to students.
earmarked 배정된, 따로 떼어둔
emergency grants to students
학생들에게 사용하는 긴급 지원금
federal coronavirus relief funds 연방 코로나바이러스 구호기금
earmarked 배정됐다 가축의 귀에 표시한 데서
emergency grants 긴급 지원금
Some historically Black colleges and universities have used the funds to ease student debt. Hildreth did not tell Meharry students how to spend the cash infusion, although he did offer advice.
spend the cash infusion 현금 지급분을, 투입분을 사용하다
cash infusion 현금 지급분
“We felt that there was no better way to begin distributing these funds than by giving to our students who will soon give so much to our world,” he said in the video. He added, “The $10,000 is yours to manage, but I would be remiss if I didn’t strongly advise you this Thanksgiving to be good stewards of what you’ve been given. I know Black Friday shopping is tempting, but you’d be well advised to use the funds to pay expenses related to your education and training.”
who will soon give so much to our world
곧 우리 사회에 큰 역할을 할 학생들
I would be remiss (~게 하지 않으면 저는) 정말 태만한 걸 겁니다.
tempting 솔깃한, 끌리는
I would be remiss if - feeling my duty 이 조언은 꼭 드리고 싶다
is tempting 솔깃하다
The pandemic has been a difficult time for Meharry students, requiring virtual classes, shortened clinical rotations and delayed licensing exams, said Dwight Johnson II, a fourth-year student from Brownsville, Tennessee, who is his class chaplain.
requiring virtual classes
원격 강의가 필요했던, 필수적이었던
virtual classes 온라인 수업
“Many of us had family members and friends that passed away,” Johnson said. “Also, prior to the release of vaccinations, going into hospitals each day knowing that you may be exposed to COVID and have to be taken out of your rotations for quarantine was an extremely stressful experience.”
taken out of your rotations 현장 실습에서 빠지게 된
The announcement came as Johnson, 27, was selling his couch for $50. “I plan on using the money to alleviate some of my debt, study resources for my upcoming licensing exam, and for my honeymoon, as I’ll be getting married in May,” he said. “My fiancée is also a fourth-year medical student at Meharry, so this gift completely changed how we’ll be able to begin our lives together.”
'A piece of cake' 카테고리의 다른 글
2021.12.01. Wed. (미국 질병통제예방센터(CDC), 백신의 부스터샷 접종 권고 격상 외) (0) | 2021.12.01 |
비지니스 영어 날짜/장소 제안하기 (0) | 2018.12.11 |