Facial Recognition Company Fined for Breach of Britain’s Privacy Laws, 2021-12-01 Wed
1. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has strengthened recommendations for booster doses of coronavirus vaccine, saying all adults should get boosted.
미국 질병통제예방센터(CDC)가, 모든 성인에게 부스터샷을 맞으라며, 코로나 백신의 부스터샷 접종 권고를 격상하였습니다.
Expression ]
strengthened recommendations for booster doses = 부스터샷의 권고를 강화, 격상하다
all adults should get boosted*
= 모든 성인은 부스터샷을 맞아야 한다 * boost 동사
may < should < must
*Previously, the CDC said people should get a booster if they are 50 and older, or 18 and older and living in long term care. Otherwise, it advised that anyone 18 and older may get a booster. Now the word "should" applies to everyone 18 and older. (CNN)
2. Portuguese health authorities have identified the first local cases of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus among members of a professional soccer club.
포르투갈 보건당국이, 자국의 프로축구 클럽에서, 오미크론 변이의 첫 지역 집단 감염 사례를 확인했다고 밝혔습니다.
Expression ]
identified the first local cases = 첫 지역 집단 감염 사례를 확인했다
(선수, 직원 등 13명)
3. The 2021 World University Winter Games in Switzerland have been canceled to help stop the spread of the Omicron variant.
2021년 스위스 동계 유니버시아드가, 오미크론 변이의 확산을 막기 위해 취소됐습니다.
to help stop the spread of the Omicron variant
= 오미크론 변이의 확산을 막기 위해
4. Sweden's first female prime minister has been reappointed to the top job 5 days after political turmoil forced her to resign within hours of taking the post last week.
스웨덴의 첫 여성 총리가, 지난 주, 정치적 혼란으로 취임한 지 몇 시간 만에 사임한 뒤, 5일 만에 다시 총리로 선출됐습니다.
Expression ]
has been reappointed to the top job
= 가장 높은 자리에 (=총리로) 재선출 됐다
political turmoil forced her to resign
= 정치적인 혼란이 그녀를 사임하게 만들었다
5. The EU border agency deported a record number of people – more than 8,000 non-EU nationals – in the first half of this year, according to a leaked document.
유럽연합의 국경·해안경비청이, 올해 상반기에만, 역대 최다인 8천 여명이 넘는 난민들을 추방한 것으로 밝혀졌습니다.
deported a record number of people
= 역대 최다 사람들(난민들)을 추방했다
Iran Insists on Immediate Lifting of Sanctions as Nuclear Talks Resume
Writer by Steven Erlanger
c.2021 The New York Times Company
The setting was right, but the atmosphere chilly. After a break of more than five months, talks on reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal resumed on Monday in the Palais Coburg, the luxury hotel in Vienna where the original pact was signed with much fanfare, in a more optimistic time.
The setting was right, but the atmosphere chilly
환경은 잘 갖추어졌지만, 분위기는 싸늘했다.
* 원래 협정이 서명된 곳이지만, 이란이 강경하게 나왔기 때문
in a more optimistic time 좀 더 낙관적이던 때, 시절
With a more conservative government now in place in Iran, and a new set of Iranian negotiators who have said talks need to start with a complete lifting of sanctions, the mood was somber among Western negotiators.
the mood was somber 분위기가 침울했다. 우울했다.
But as the first round of formal discussions ended Monday, negotiators also tried to be upbeat. Enrique Mora of the European Union, who is presiding over the talks, said that Iran “recognizes the work done in the past six rounds and the fact that we will be building on that.” But he said that Iran was “insisting on sanctions lifting” immediately, which is likely to be unacceptable to Washington.
tried to be upbeat 낙관적인, 활기를 띤 분위기를 유지하려고 노력하다
presiding over the talks 회담을 (회의·의식 등을) 주재[주도]하다
Iran is also insisting that the United States and its allies promise never to impose sanctions on Iran again, the country’s chief negotiator, Ali Bagheri Kani, a deputy foreign minister, told reporters after the talks.
insist ~(…해야 한다고) 고집하다[주장하다/우기다]
According to a senior European official, who requested anonymity, the Iranian negotiator also said during meetings that Iran would further escalate its nuclear program if those demands were not met.
if those demands were not met
요구 조건이 충족되지 않으면, 요구 조건이 받아들여지지 않는다면
But in an important step to keep the negotiations alive, Iran agreed to resume talks Tuesday in one of three working groups established in earlier rounds — on which sanctions would eventually be lifted by the United States. The other two working groups, on the nuclear issue itself and on implementation and the sequencing of each country’s actions in the event of a new deal, will not resume talks Tuesday.
keep the negotiations alive
협상을 계속 진행해 나가기 위해서
sequencing of each country’s actions
각국의 행동에 대한 순서, 차례, 연속적으로 해나갈 것들
Mora said the nuclear working group would meet Wednesday. “There is a sense of urgency” to restore the nuclear deal, he said, but “there is no fixed timeline in my mind.’’
The Biden administration has said it wants to return to the original nuclear deal with Iran, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, which former President Donald Trump abandoned in 2018, calling it “the worst deal in history.”
Facial Recognition Company Fined for Breach of Britain’s Privacy Laws
Writer by Ryan Mac
c.2021 The New York Times Company
Britain’s independent data privacy authority Monday fined facial recognition company Clearview AI 17 million pounds, or $22.6 million, for failing to comply with the nation’s data protection laws.
for failing to comply with
~를 따르는 것에, (준수하는 것에) 실패했다 = 위반했다.
The Information Commissioner’s Office said it fined Clearview AI for failing to inform British residents that it was collecting billions of photos from sites including Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn to build its facial recognition software. The ICO ordered the company to stop processing the personal data of people in Britain and to delete their existing information.
delete their existing information
기존에 수집했던 개인정보를 삭제하다
Clearview AI can contest the fine and the data breach allegations, according to the ICO, which said it will make a final decision on the penalty by mid-2022. The ICO said Clearview had been used by various British agencies. BuzzFeed News previously reported on leaked data that listed various British government agencies and police departments as having run searches with the facial recognition software.
contest the fine and the data breach allegations
벌금이나 정보보호법 위반 혐의에 이의를 제기할 수 있다
having run searches with the facial recognition software
안면인식 프로그램을 사용한 검색을 시행했었다.
“I have significant concerns that personal data was processed in a way that nobody in the U.K. will have expected,” Elizabeth Denham, Britain’s information commissioner, said in a statement.
In a statement, Clearview AI said the ICO’s assertions were incorrect and that the company was considering an appeal. Clearview only “provides publicly available information from the internet to law enforcement agencies,” Kelly Hagedorn, a lawyer for the company, said in the statement.
assertions were incorrect
(사실임을) 주장 (=claim)하는 건, 틀렸다. = 사실이 아니다
“My company and I have acted in the best interests of the U.K. and their people by assisting law enforcement in solving heinous crimes against children, seniors and other victims of unscrupulous acts,” Hoan Ton-That, Clearview AI’s CEO, said in a separate statement.
acted in the best interests of the U.K. and their people
영국와, 영국 시민들의 이익을 대변했다 * in the best interests of
solving heinous crimes
극악무도한 범죄를 해결하다
unscrupulous acts 비양심적 행위
The fine is the first that Clearview AI has faced, according to the company. If it remains unchanged, the penalty would amount to nearly 60% of the $38 million in funding that Clearview AI has raised from investors. In July, the company raised $30 million. Earlier this year, a Swedish regulator fined the country’s police authority 250,000 euros for its use of Clearview, citing data privacy violations.
This month, an Australian regulator also said the company had violated local privacy laws. The Office of the Australian Office Commissioner ordered Clearview AI to stop collecting data on its residents and to destroy data previously collected in the country. Canada also declared Clearview AI illegal in February.
Clearview AI recently ranked high on a U.S. test of facial recognition software.
'A piece of cake' 카테고리의 다른 글
2021.11.29. Mon. (국내 코로나19 사망자와 위중증 환자 숫자 최고치 경신 외) (0) | 2021.11.29 |
비지니스 영어 날짜/장소 제안하기 (0) | 2018.12.11 |